October 22, 2020
The Broward Workshop deeply values the words of the Declaration of Independence – that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. We condemn injustice, racism, and discrimination wherever and however it occurs! As business leaders we cannot remain silent. We agree that Black lives do matter, and freedom, equality, and justice should be enjoyed by all.
Our country was recently faced with an awakening to the existence of persistent and systemic racism with the public viewing of the untimely death of George Floyd and many others before and after him. Our country is at an inflection point, as we recognize the sense of true urgency that has arisen across our nation, particularly in view of the racial injustices we have seen in the communities where we work and live. We all need to do more, both as individuals and as the business community, and weigh in on the conversation.
Workshop members, individually and through their corporations, support and fund a wide array of non-profit, civic, public/private and religious organizations that address various important issues including: education/training/internships, homelessness, poverty, hunger, youth, healthcare, affordable housing, economic mobility, mental health and much more.
As business leaders, we feel responsible to not only talk about justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion, but to be part of the solution in our community. We applaud businesses who are championing equality by:
- Diversity training and town halls to begin the conversations that will create change
- Seek greater diversity on its Board of Directors and its management team
- Work with vendors that share their “no tolerance” position on racism
- Review recruiting, hiring, and marketing practices to insure they are inclusionary
- Ensure pay equity to all employees
Economic development in all our communities is vital in our quest to build a better Broward community. We must ensure that every member of the business community is treated equitably; it benefits us all and furthers the economic vitality needed for a greater Broward County community because we all know that a “Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.”
We believe in the dignity and humanity of all people. We envision a world where society and its systems (e.g. education, criminal justice, health care, housing, the economy) are just, fair, and inclusive, enabling all people to fully participate and actualize their potential. We strive for a healthy and prosperous society that promotes all people having equitable access and opportunity. We respect and honor our differences and work for the common good of our entire community.
Keith Koenig
Chairman, Broward Workshop