2018 State of the County Forum
2018 State of the County Forum
2018 State of the County Forum

Close to 1,000 business and civic leaders, and elected officials from Broward County and South Florida gathered on Friday, March 16 for Broward Workshop's 10th Annual State of the County Forum. Broward County Mayor Beam Furr, discussed Broward County Metrics and Goals to Increase Economic Impact of County Enterprises.

Tony Carvajal, Executive Vice-President of Florida Chamber Foundation presented the Florida Scorecard: Broward County’s economic benchmarks.

Jaclyn Corin shared her story at our event. Jaclyn has been passionately sharing her message of civic engagement among her peers, as well as one of the lead organizers for the March for our Lives event on March 24th in Washington D.C.
Senator George LeMieux provided and overview of The Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund, which was created to provide financial support for the victims' families, survivors and those impacted.